Holistic Learning

At Vedavalli we go beyond the book. While our teachers use text books to help focus their lesson plans, they use more interactive methods to engage with the children. We pursue a hands-on method of teaching, utilizing Math and English labs, making sure there is a practical way the children will use the knowledge.


Math Lab: Started in 1996, the materials that are provided in the math kit help the children to relate abstract methods to real life situations.

We also use games to introduce new math concepts. This caters to children from classes 1-10.

English Lab: The English lab was started in 2004 to increase listening and speaking skills.

The lab has been created based on inhouse requirements. We work on listening skills through audio books,

on speaking skill through pronunciation practice, reading through word cards and interesting writing activities.

In 1997, we created class libraries in addition to our central library so that the children can have access to books in their classrooms.

Each class has a stock of 35-40 story books that are rotated among the students throughout the year.

At the end of the year each child takes a book home. In our school, gifts or prizes are always books, be it guests or students.